Signs That You’re In Need Of Water Heater Repair | Katy, TX
Photo By Ildar Abulkhanov at istock
If you’re like most homeowners the only time that you really think about your water heater is when something has gone wrong. Chances are, you’ve worried about your water heater when you’ve been in the shower too long, or when you’ve run the dishwasher at the same time as the washer and dryer, but if you’ve been lucky, you’ve never had to worry much about water heater repair.
However, this isn’t a situation where ignorance is bliss. Sometimes, your water heater is trying to let you know that there’s a serious problem, and it’s the intelligent home owner who takes the time to figure out what the issue is and what needs to be done. If there’s a problem with your water heater, you can limit damage to your home by calling in a professional for water heater repair before things get out of control, but only if you know what to look for. Learn a few sure signs that you’ve got a problem here!
Water Discoloration
Most homeowners don’t need to be told that when the water doesn’t come out clean and clear, there’s a problem that needs a plumber to properly address. However, the color of the water can tell a savvy homeowner exactly where the problem might be so that they can figure out exactly which kind of plumber needs to visit their home.
If you’ve got water that’s red, orange or brown, there’s a good chance that you’re in need of water heater repair. That’s because all of those colors are signs of rust in your water, and the most obvious sign of rust is your water heater. That’s especially true if you’ve got copper or PVC pipes for your home, as copper doesn’t rust and PVC can’t, leaving the tank of your water heater as the only likely culprit.
When you call a plumber, you can have them take a good look at the tank and see what your options are. If the problem is a small one, cleaning the tank is sometimes enough to keep it operational. If things have gotten bad, you might need to replace the water heater entirely.
You’ve Sprung a Leak
A leak is never a good sign, no matter what part of your plumbing system you’re talking about. If your water heater is leaking, you’ve really got to take care of the issue quickly, because most water heaters sit near the foundation of the house, putting the entire structure at risk.
If you notice a pool of water around your water heater, it’s important to know that this is not normal, and you need to call for water heater repair as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that your water heater will be beyond repair, forcing you to replace the system long before you’re ready. In some cases, a professional plumber can fix the leak and repair the system, saving you money in the long run until you’re ready to replace your water heater.
You’re Running Out of Hot Water
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably got a home in Katy, TX and not an apartment, so you probably don’t have to worry about restrictions on your water heating system. So if you’re running out of hot water on a regular basis, that says that you’re probably in need of water heater repair, because something isn’t operating the way it should.
That’s especially true if you’ve got a smaller family and only one or two people using the water at a certain time. If you’ve got teenagers at home and they’ve had several friends over recently, running out of hot water once or twice probably isn’t a major concern. But if you find yourself constantly unable to do the laundry or take a hot shower, that’s likely a sign that you’re in need of water heater repair.
In many cases, the problem here is with the heating element, especially if you don’t use a lot of hot water at once. A traditional water heater is designed to have hot water available at any time of day because it’s constantly heating your water in the tank, while a tankless heater brings the water to the right temperature when someone turns on the hot water on the faucet. In either case, if you aren’t getting hot water when you need it, the heating element likely needs to be fixed.
Your Water Heater Is Old
Your water heater isn’t like your car, where every extra year that you get out of it is a bonus. Your water heater has a defined life span, and if yours is at the end of its life span, water heater repair isn’t going to be enough to keep it going.
If you’ve got a traditional tank, you’re likely going to need to replace it every eight to 12 years, while a tankless water heater is likely to last for 20 years before it reaches the end of its useful life. Before you reach these numbers, it’s a good idea to have a professional plumber come out to your home and inform you of how long your water heater has left.
Once your water heater is at the end of its life span, water heater repair is only going to prolong the inevitable, and could become more expensive in the long run. In that situation, it’s a good idea to start saving up so that you can easily have a replacement installed.
At bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of West Houston, we’re here to provide top-notch water heater repair to our friends and neighbors in Katy, TX. When there’s a problem with getting hot water to where it needs to be in the house, all you have to do is give us a call. We’ll take care of any and all repairs so that you can keep hot water flowing to every necessary area of the home — the way that it should!