Is It Time To Have A Plumber Near Me Replace The Pool Pump? | Katy, TX
Swimming pool pumps ensure that your pool water remains clean and fresh. Hence, you must ensure that your swimming pool pump is installed properly. Besides the installation, you should have a plumber near me in Katy, TX come to your home for periodic inspection of the pool plumbing and its maintenance. While some problems can be fixed, others are too protracted or costly to repair. Whenever this happens, you might be forced to replace the entire swimming pool pump, an endeavor that isn’t cheap. So, how can you know its pool pump replacement time?
Constant Pump Leaks
The pool pump leaking continuously is another typical sign that you should contact a plumber near me to replace it. Leaks, whether they are water or air leaks, generally show that there is a problem with the appliance. Disconnected valves and sloppy pump lids are typical sources of air leakage in pool pumps. Your swimming pool will see a continuous presence of bubbles as a result. On the other hand, water puddles around the pool pump are a blatant sign of water leakage. If the pool pump at your home routinely leaks, think about replacing it.
If the Pump Breaks Down Constantly Just After Repair
Does your swimming pool pump start acting up right after a fix? That is a signal that it has to be replaced. So, you should contact a plumber near me for a replacement service. If your pool pump continues to break down after repairs or if the same problems keep happening, the issue might not be fixable. Furthermore, there may be instances where the repair cost exceeds that of a new pool pump. A replacement would be a suitable long-term option in such circumstances. Long-term savings on money and hassles come from purchasing and installing a new pump.
When the Pool Pump Produces Uncharacteristic Sounds
One of the most obvious signs that your pool pump is not working properly is strange running noises. These noises can range from a low rumbling sound to a high-pitched screeching. The type of noise you hear can indicate the source of the problem. A low rumbling sound can often indicate that the pool filter pump is clogged. A clogged pump cannot draw enough water, making it vibrate excessively. A clogged pool filter pump can also cause a decrease in water flow, leading to a decrease in the overall performance of your pool’s circulation system. Fortunately, a plumber near me will diagnose and address the problem causing these noises.
Grinding and screeching sounds usually indicate that the unit needs new bearings. Bearings are the small mechanical parts that help the motor to rotate smoothly. Over time, these bearings can become worn out and cause the motor to grind or screech. If you hear these types of noises, it’s a good indication that the bearings in your pool pump need to be replaced. A pool pump making strange and persistent noises is likely to be experiencing a problem that cannot be fixed with simple repairs or maintenance by a plumber near me in Katy, TX. In this case, the best course of action would be to replace the unit with a new one.
The Pool Pump Is Constantly Shutting Off
If your swimming pool pump keeps turning off, it may be necessary to seek the services of a plumber near me for a replacement. Several potential causes for a pool pump failing to start or shut down repeatedly, such as overheating, lack of proper power supply, clogged vents, or a damaged capacitor. When the pump shuts off randomly, it can negatively impact its overall performance. A replacement of the pool pump is an effective solution to rectify the issue and ensure that the water continues to flow through the filter, keeping the pool clean and sanitary.
Loss of Suction
If you have noticed that the swimming pool pump has lost suction, that is a surefire sign that you must replace it. The lack of suction will negatively affect the ability of your pool pump to do its job efficiently. A pool filter pump is an important part of your pool’s circulation system, and if the pump cannot draw in enough water, it will not be able to filter and pump clean water back to your pool effectively. If the low suction is due to a serious problem, you might want a plumber near me to replace the pool pump.
Power Keeps Constantly Tripping Out
Another indication that it’s time to call a plumber near me to replace your pool pump is if you notice it causes the circuit to trip whenever you turn it on. This could indicate that the pump has a problem with its electrical system or components. A power surge may indicate that the motor is nearing the end of its lifespan. It’s crucial to determine if the circuit is overloaded and if the pump is the cause of the issue. If there is an electrical problem with your pump, it’s best to get a new one.
Old Age
When determining whether it’s time to replace your pool pump, one of the factors to consider is its age. Generally, well-maintained, high-quality pool pumps have a lifespan of between eight and 12 years. However, this can vary depending on the type of pump and how often it is used. If your pump is over five years old and is causing frequent issues, it may be more cost-effective to replace it rather than continue to pay for repairs. If your pump shows signs of age, it’s a good indication that it’s time for a replacement. To ensure a smooth and efficient process, call a reputable plumber near me in Katy, TX to install a new, quality pump.
Have you noticed either of the above signs? Is your pool pump too old that its efficiency has taken a huge toll? Contact us at bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of West Houston.