No Hot Water In Your Home? A Plumber Explains The Possible Causes | Katy, TX
Imagine waking up on a cold morning looking forward to a hot bath, only to take a cold shower because there’s something wrong with your water heater. Don’t panic if you find yourself in such a situation. This is a common problem most people face more regularly than you can imagine. There is an apparent reason why you have run out of hot suddenly. The first place to look is your water heater, which could be a gas or electrical issue.
It is vital to call a trusted plumber in Katy, TX to diagnose the problem before it worsens. But what precisely is causing the water heater to malfunction? Continue reading to find out why your house has no hot water.
Gas Leak
If your hot water is fueled by natural gas, a leak in the line causes the appliance to suffer a shortage of power needed to heat water. If there’s something suspicious with your gas supply, you’ll detect a “rotten egg smell” in your home.
If you smell gas, you need to call your utility company and report the issue as an emergency to fix any issues with gas leaks. As you wait for the utility company to send its technicians, you should leave your home until the repair persons arrive since gas leaks are lethal. However, contact a plumber if you need to get your water heater working again.
Water Leak
Before hot water reaches your taps and showerheads, it’s stored in your water heater. Whether the appliance is gas or electric-powered, it heats water from the utility company until it gets hot. If there is a leak in your water heater, the tank will not be complete, and in turn, water won’t be heated, causing your residence to lack hot water.
You can examine the area around the water heater to check for wetness. It would help if you had a professional plumber in Katy, TX over for evaluation. The repair person can fix a leak from the drain valve, pipe connections, or cold water valve but may recommend a replacement if the issue is detected in another place.
Water Heater Size
One of the common reasons for running out of hot water in your home is when the previous person in the bathroom used it all. Homeowners with traditional tank heaters need to wait for a while, like half an hour, for more water to heat up. If this happens frequently, it signals that the tank in your home is too small for the number of people using it, and it’s time for an upgrade.
Perhaps it used to get the job done when it was just you and your spouse. As your family expands, there is the need for more baths. In such a scenario, you need a bigger storage unit to solve the problem of cold showers in your home. You should contact a trusted plumber if you are thinking of an upgrade.
The Water Heater Is Too Old
Everything in your home has a lifespan. The same is the case with a water heater; if it is old, it may explain why you are experiencing the issue of no hot water more frequently than you used to. On average, most water heaters last for approximately 10 years.
If your tank is older than a decade, it could be time you get a new one. You may look around for any possible water leaks if it is not that old. If the tank is leaking, replacing it could be the best option. However, if you are not ready for a replacement investment, you may ask the plumber to look closely and find out what is causing the issue.
Buildup of Sediment
Naturally, as water flows through the tank, sediments from loose minerals such as rust and sand tend to build up and settle at the bottom. Sometimes, the sediment builds up and can take up too much space, leaving less room for hot water.
Plus, the mineral buildup creates a barrier between tank water and the heating source located at the bottom of the tank. A professional plumber can resolve this issue by draining all the water and flushing the sediment from the water heater.
Thermostat Issue
No, not the thermostat on the wall of your home. Your water heater also has a thermostat. It controls the water’s temperature. The ideal temperature of the water heater thermostat is between 120ºF to 140º F.
The water won’t reach the desired temperature if it’s not set correctly. When there’s no hot water in your home, try resetting your thermostats, as someone could have turned them off unintentionally. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, contact a plumber to evaluate the problem.
Water Heater Wear and Tear
Over time, specific components of your water heater can wear out, reducing its efficiency of the same. One common problem is with something called the dip tube. This part runs cold water toward the bottom of the tank. If this component is damaged, it will cause the hot and cold water to mix, causing a lukewarm feeling.
If you notice any sign of small pieces of plastic in the shower head or strainers, you could have a broken dip tube. A licensed plumber in Katy, TX can help you replace this part.
Explore Our Water Heater Services
A professional plumber can resolve water heater problems, or you can consider a replacement. A tankless water heater might be a better option if you choose the latter. Not only will you have an unlimited supply of hot water, but you can access hot water on multiple appliances all at once.
If you are experiencing the issue of no water at your home or considering installing tankless water heaters, bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of West Houston got you covered. Our professional technicians have the skills and experience to diagnose the root cause of your problem and offer timely solutions.